The XPU prints, applies and validates two GS1 SSCC labels on every pallet
Compact, install anywhere, super-easy to load, top quality print, tool-free maintenance
Novexx ALX 73x
The ALX 734 is the fastest labeller in its class. It prints and applies up to 400 labels per minute (40mm high labels).
Novexx ALX 92x
Novexx ALX 92x are workhorses for automated industrial labelling. Add Novexx applicators and Codeway custom heads to label your products. Codeway designs and builds automatic identification systems: labelling, scanning, process integration.
LTSA Light Touch
The LTSA is a light touch head for Novexx XLP label printers. The product can be stationary or moving up to 35 metres per minute.
LTSI Light Touch
The LTSI is a light touch head for Novexx 64 label printers. The product can be stationary or moving. Up to 50 labels per minute.
LA-WO Side Wipe
The LA-WO for ALX 92x engines wipes up to 40 labels per minute onto the side of fast moving products: paper ream packs, doors, windows, flooring.. Label sizes 15mm x 100mm to 20mm x 170mm
LA-CE-WO Rear Corner
The LA-CE-WO is corner edge applicator with wipe on to label round two rear sides of a box. 18 boxes per minute.
LA-CE Corner
The LA-CE O-ring applicator flabels two sides of a box with one label round the corner. 18 boxes perminute
The LA-SO applies up to 18 labels per minute to products and cases on conveyors. Outer case labelling for ALX print apply engines.
Touch-on sensor
LA-TO Flex Touch-on applicator with sensor (LA-TO TD)
The LA-TO TD applies up to 100 labels per minute. It works with Novexx ALS labellers and ALX print apply engines.
LA-BO gentle blow-on applicator for sensitive products
The LA-BO applies up to 100 labels per minute. It works with Novexx ALS labellers and ALX print apply engines. Video
The LA-TO applies up to 100 labels per minute. Timed touch-on gives high performance with Novexx ALS labellers and ALX print apply engines.
Touch-on blow
The LA-TO BO applies up to 100 labels per minute. It works with Novexx ALS labellers and ALX print apply engines.