Shipment verification
Mis-shipments · Gateways · ItemSense · Track &Trace
Shipment verification and tracking is a proven use case. It avoid mis-shipments in distribution.
Stop mis-shipments and save time
There is a good business case for installing a RAIN RFID tracking system at loading bays to reduce the cost of mis-shipments, save scanning and paperwork, and provide traceablility to resolve any remaining issues.
In the video clip Jason Ivy, the Impinj Supply Chain manager explains the opportunity. He shows how gateway arrays and the ItemSense platform simplify the installation of the system. This makes RFID a viable option to consider.
Some companies have also decided to tag items loaded on to pallets to save the time and cost of scanning barcodes.
Evaluate the options
If you think RFID may be justified in your operation we will be pleased to help you evaulate the options.